How Often Does a Child’s Teeth Need a Cleaning From a Family Dentist?

Family Dentist Houston, TX

A common mistake that parents make is assuming that regular family dentist visits for their child are not necessary because baby teeth will fall out, anyway. However, the health of the child’s baby (primary) teeth plays an important role in the proper development of their permanent teeth. This review highlights the importance of regular family dentist visits for children and how often a visit is necessary. 

How often family dentist visits are required for children

Children are often susceptible to cavities, and regular dental visits can reduce the risk of tooth decay and other oral health concerns. Understanding the importance and purpose of regular dental visits, along with how often a visit is necessary, can ensure that patients can get the oral care that they need from their family dentist

A review of oral care needs for children

Children are as susceptible to cavities and other oral health concerns as adults, and they require the same level of preventative care to ensure good oral health. While most oral hygiene takes place at home, it is also important for children to visit the family dentist regularly. This allows the dentist to perform regular dental cleanings and check for signs of weakened or eroded enamel that requires treatment. 

Children should visit the family dentist for a cleaning every six months

Most family dentists recommend that children and teenagers (and adults) visit the office once every six months for a regular dental cleaning. Some children may require a visit every four or five months. During a regular dental cleaning, the dentist or hygienist removes the plaque and tartar buildup on the tooth and along the gum line, reducing the risk of enamel decay. 

How to care for your child’s oral health between visits

Children can also reduce the risk of getting dental cavities by getting dental sealants, which are plastic coatings that protect the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. Parents can also protect their child’s oral health by ensuring that they brush and floss daily. This creates healthy habits that can carry into the child’s teenage years and adulthood. In addition, limiting the consumption of food and drinks that contain a large amount of sugar can prevent cavities between dental cleanings with the family dentist. 

When to visit the family dentist more frequently

Parents should also keep a close eye on their child’s oral health, checking for any complications that may suggest that a visit to the family dentist is necessary. These include dark spots on teeth, weakened enamel, or a damaged tooth as a result of dental trauma. The family dentist can treat any concerns quickly and prevent any issues from worsening. 

Schedule a visit for your child with our family dentist team

You can schedule a visit for your child with our family dentistry by reaching out to us today by phone or email. We take pride in providing a kid-friendly office and working to keep your child calm and comfortable during each visit.

Request an appointment here: or call Stacey N. Block DDS at (281) 500-9989 for an appointment in our Houston office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Houston, TX.

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